You can tell those people that eat too much chicken breast.
They're into Looking Good Naked.
An otherwise calm countenance, they are now envisioning vivid nightmares of a predator of past times long ago, presently preying on them once again.
Chicken dreams are of realizing a revenge. To verbalize their vendetta; they wish for the return of Tyrannosaurus, their tyrant King.
27 December 2011
22 December 2011
20 December 2011
Mumbo Jumbo
Dumbledore is dumbo, the strongest elephant wizard who ever lived.
Rumblerore is rum-bo, a fierce, yet kingly, half-lion half-pirate who likes Rum.
Ramblerare is Rambo, an uncommon crazed Pokemon war Veteran who wanders around the forest and hurts people.*
Word salad.
though prone to indigestion.
*He does this because he is hurting inside.
I find that all mean people who suck do so because someone was once mean to them, and all they need is some TLC. Though if that were true, than who was the first mean person ever, who started this horrible long historical narrative of mean people being mean to each other. Whoever invents the time machine should use it to go be extra nice to them on the particular day they became mean. What a wondrous world we would work and walk within, when that happened.
Rumblerore is rum-bo, a fierce, yet kingly, half-lion half-pirate who likes Rum.
Ramblerare is Rambo, an uncommon crazed Pokemon war Veteran who wanders around the forest and hurts people.*
Half calf. Half doesn't make sense now.
Two halves don't make a hole.
I'd probably just use a shovel.
though prone to indigestion.
*He does this because he is hurting inside.
I find that all mean people who suck do so because someone was once mean to them, and all they need is some TLC. Though if that were true, than who was the first mean person ever, who started this horrible long historical narrative of mean people being mean to each other. Whoever invents the time machine should use it to go be extra nice to them on the particular day they became mean. What a wondrous world we would work and walk within, when that happened.
Momma bought a deer leg today. Venison dinner on Thursday, I'm all excited but slightly weirded out but the whole hunting process. Its probably more humane to eat that deer than to eat a hamburger from McDonalds, but still, the transition of living graceful creature that inhabits my backwoods to my dinner plate is one that is difficult to wrap my head around.
Maybe that's the dangerous part though, and its not something I should seek to understand.
14 December 2011
devil in my room
I found one today. Hats must be rearranged so its presence goes away. Or else it'll purr at me from the shadows.
Painting by Marilyn Manson |
As a note on the art, I think that Manson is really smart. Like definitely, really, really, super smart guy. I think his music sucks, but hey, last time I checked taste was still subjective.
work in the way of fun
13 December 2011
why i am leaving political science (written in the past tense)
As a junior at University, I felt it was time to think about where I was, mainly because my major was rapidly becoming the wrong avenue for the kind of work I wanted to do.
The first thing that clued me into this was my older brother. He's always been a strong voice of criticism in my life (in the best way possible), and he clued me into the issues that first started making me interested in politics. During a high school research paper on genetic manipulation, he clued me into the power and potential of companies like Monsanto. My initial enthusiasm eroded though, regretfully after I had handed my paper in, as I read deeper into the literature that started to appear about the mess of affairs arising from the power of genetically modified crops in the American mid-West. The power of so-called mega corporations within the context of an unchecked free market, I concluded, had to be checked by a regulatory framework of citizen activism Later I began to understand the perspective of these free-market enthusiasts; that this would ideally be checked through educated and informed consumers, rather than the notoriously bureaucratic and inherently inefficient regulatory power of a government.
Then the Great Recession happened. The informed consumer had been co-opted into supporting a system that created profit for the top percentiles of society, while leaving everyone below in the dust. After it was shown that the problem was both too much and too little government regulatory power, 2011 saw an unprecedented wave of support for the anti-establishment movements known as Occupy. On the Internet, still a relatively new thing, a group of hacker-activists (shortened to hacktivists), began to attack the global institutions that had led to the financial crash.
In essence, this was exactly what was needed. The public backlash to the unregulated financial markets was resulting in more and more informed consumers. People started to pay attention to where their money was, and what was being done with it.
I know this to be true, even though I'd liken it to saying: this statement is false.
Politically, the machine that governs the human world has always interested me. How could a system so complex and vast transform the will of the people into policy? I avidly studied political issues around the world, and after a semester abroad in England, realized that the deciding issues of one country's political season were arbitrary, and in general were reflective of last year's issues. From my University educated perspective, with a heavily liberal bias that I completely acknowledge, I encountered and sought out a lot of conservative and neo-conservative positions, in what I thought was a goal to conquer neo-conservatism across the world via a lot of class room style arguments and debates.
Yep, I was that kid in your political science class that actually spoke up a lot.
As I looked at the global powers, I began to question why our world is the way it is. In one class, I read Michael Foucault's Discipline and Punish. Foucault started his book with a terrifying, yet gripping, summary of an 18th century execution. From there, he transitioned into how our own society is reflective of this, and how we force the 'body' of society, comprised of individuals like ourselves, to conform to rules, laws, expectations. Why is it that people consent to a system that serves only to correct their behaviour to a standard? When I came out as gay while reading that book, it thrust the awkward re-examining of my own gender identity into this uncomfortable spotlight. I was constantly re-appraising my own behaviour through the filter of societal influence versus genuine personal development. Was I becoming a new me? Or was I merely conforming to how other people wanted and expected me to act?
My generation has grown up wary and suspicious of our government. Coming from a small liberal New England town, we saw the violence and bombing across the world as senseless and counter-productive. Furthermore, I began to form parallels between the events that had been explained in my history classes and the present condition of world peace. US and French weapons sales that fuelled the violence during the Iran-Iraq War in the 1970's, I connected with the US 'intervention' in Iraq from 2003-2011. I began to monitor how on-going support for the Israeli state in its present shape had created a dangerous tension between the USA and the Arab World. Thinking of Foucault, I saw how the cycle of violence stemmed from the psycho-sociological coercion that kept the Palestinians under an Israeli government.
I further connected this through the gender spectrum with my own experience as I came out. Male dominated discourse focuses on these differences and issues that separate us, preferring both figuratively and literally to use the sword and pen to hash and spell out each others sides, so that both could become further entrenched. Freud would have a field day. Feminist discourse focuses on how men are wrong, and automatically gets you branded as a communist traitor, and ultimately means you won't get taken seriously anywhere except within your own feminist circle.
Even seeking out more traditionally feminist routes for etching out the sort of fundamental change that helps the world is riddled with their own problems. Reading articles and of examples (like these) made me realize that the two largest problems facing humanity today are sustainability and third-world development.
Seeing the enormous mess that the First World has landed itself in, I'd say its time we let the Third World manage its own development. Western democracy, society, and economics, are hardly shining emblems of perfection, and its high time we stop pretending they are. Still, we should give the best we have to the heritage of countries that created our industrial and economic might. Charitable aid should come only in the form of the fruits of Western science and technology, and no longer hide in the guise of World Bank loans. I no longer want to be in the academic system that facilitates Western wealth at the expense of Third world populations. Lets find solutions and not make more problems.
The first thing that clued me into this was my older brother. He's always been a strong voice of criticism in my life (in the best way possible), and he clued me into the issues that first started making me interested in politics. During a high school research paper on genetic manipulation, he clued me into the power and potential of companies like Monsanto. My initial enthusiasm eroded though, regretfully after I had handed my paper in, as I read deeper into the literature that started to appear about the mess of affairs arising from the power of genetically modified crops in the American mid-West. The power of so-called mega corporations within the context of an unchecked free market, I concluded, had to be checked by a regulatory framework of citizen activism Later I began to understand the perspective of these free-market enthusiasts; that this would ideally be checked through educated and informed consumers, rather than the notoriously bureaucratic and inherently inefficient regulatory power of a government.
The people leading any revolution are always the intelligentsia.
Then the Great Recession happened. The informed consumer had been co-opted into supporting a system that created profit for the top percentiles of society, while leaving everyone below in the dust. After it was shown that the problem was both too much and too little government regulatory power, 2011 saw an unprecedented wave of support for the anti-establishment movements known as Occupy. On the Internet, still a relatively new thing, a group of hacker-activists (shortened to hacktivists), began to attack the global institutions that had led to the financial crash.
In essence, this was exactly what was needed. The public backlash to the unregulated financial markets was resulting in more and more informed consumers. People started to pay attention to where their money was, and what was being done with it.
Both sides of an argument are inherently wrong, because there is an exception to every rule.
I know this to be true, even though I'd liken it to saying: this statement is false.
Politically, the machine that governs the human world has always interested me. How could a system so complex and vast transform the will of the people into policy? I avidly studied political issues around the world, and after a semester abroad in England, realized that the deciding issues of one country's political season were arbitrary, and in general were reflective of last year's issues. From my University educated perspective, with a heavily liberal bias that I completely acknowledge, I encountered and sought out a lot of conservative and neo-conservative positions, in what I thought was a goal to conquer neo-conservatism across the world via a lot of class room style arguments and debates.
Yep, I was that kid in your political science class that actually spoke up a lot.
As I looked at the global powers, I began to question why our world is the way it is. In one class, I read Michael Foucault's Discipline and Punish. Foucault started his book with a terrifying, yet gripping, summary of an 18th century execution. From there, he transitioned into how our own society is reflective of this, and how we force the 'body' of society, comprised of individuals like ourselves, to conform to rules, laws, expectations. Why is it that people consent to a system that serves only to correct their behaviour to a standard? When I came out as gay while reading that book, it thrust the awkward re-examining of my own gender identity into this uncomfortable spotlight. I was constantly re-appraising my own behaviour through the filter of societal influence versus genuine personal development. Was I becoming a new me? Or was I merely conforming to how other people wanted and expected me to act?
Our expectations define our reality.
My generation has grown up wary and suspicious of our government. Coming from a small liberal New England town, we saw the violence and bombing across the world as senseless and counter-productive. Furthermore, I began to form parallels between the events that had been explained in my history classes and the present condition of world peace. US and French weapons sales that fuelled the violence during the Iran-Iraq War in the 1970's, I connected with the US 'intervention' in Iraq from 2003-2011. I began to monitor how on-going support for the Israeli state in its present shape had created a dangerous tension between the USA and the Arab World. Thinking of Foucault, I saw how the cycle of violence stemmed from the psycho-sociological coercion that kept the Palestinians under an Israeli government.
I further connected this through the gender spectrum with my own experience as I came out. Male dominated discourse focuses on these differences and issues that separate us, preferring both figuratively and literally to use the sword and pen to hash and spell out each others sides, so that both could become further entrenched. Freud would have a field day. Feminist discourse focuses on how men are wrong, and automatically gets you branded as a communist traitor, and ultimately means you won't get taken seriously anywhere except within your own feminist circle.
Arguments, except philosophic, are pointless because, rather than bringing people together over similarities, they always entrench each side over differences.
Even seeking out more traditionally feminist routes for etching out the sort of fundamental change that helps the world is riddled with their own problems. Reading articles and of examples (like these) made me realize that the two largest problems facing humanity today are sustainability and third-world development.
Seeing the enormous mess that the First World has landed itself in, I'd say its time we let the Third World manage its own development. Western democracy, society, and economics, are hardly shining emblems of perfection, and its high time we stop pretending they are. Still, we should give the best we have to the heritage of countries that created our industrial and economic might. Charitable aid should come only in the form of the fruits of Western science and technology, and no longer hide in the guise of World Bank loans. I no longer want to be in the academic system that facilitates Western wealth at the expense of Third world populations. Lets find solutions and not make more problems.
08 December 2011
Thought this was cute too!
Yes I do plunder my best friend's Tumblr.
If ever you are in the position of running away from someone who is chasing you, and you are winning said competition, with reasonable faith in a) your endurance and b) ability to continue running, I beseech you to use any of the following put-downs.
Let Me In Let Me In Let Me In Let Me In Let Me In
Faker. Poser.
Let them fake her, for a twitching grin seeps from side to side,
Unsurprised by their treachery
Pins and stitches fix a smile to a face that has known sad.
I can't wait to see you and make you smile and feel better because it makes me feel:
Fearful derision scurries across his eyebrows,
Fiercely furrowed, the locus of my focus is you
Or should I say I'm looking at you.
Now I'm looking into you.
Let Me In!
I promise I'll play nice.
Disappointed and awkward, now a tentative apology
I am sorry; worst three words I strung together. Ever. Now I'm meta-sorry.
Lucky golden boy strikes out,
yet the crowd has forgiven him for his height and handsome, he is harmless.
Caesar has given him the thumbs up,
the boy in black.
I strut about like a pirate.
Here's how, hunching my shoulders and grimacing at those who stand in my way. The fearsome scowl, nose wrinkled, as if ya'll are smelly.
Who am I kidding? A big softie inside, a little softer, and boom! Apparently I soothed your soul. How?
Forsooth! A simian saunter signifies serenity, so . . .
Saltigrade strides, salacious smile,
best four words I've ever nailed together.
Nice bum, where ya from? A close second.
To all of you: I think once we're within talking distance I'll feel better.
Faker. Poser.
Let them fake her, for a twitching grin seeps from side to side,
Unsurprised by their treachery
Pins and stitches fix a smile to a face that has known sad.
I can't wait to see you and make you smile and feel better because it makes me feel:
Is that weird?Fearful derision scurries across his eyebrows,
Fiercely furrowed, the locus of my focus is you
Or should I say I'm looking at you.
Now I'm looking into you.
Let Me In!
I promise I'll play nice.
Disappointed and awkward, now a tentative apology
I am sorry; worst three words I strung together. Ever. Now I'm meta-sorry.
Lucky golden boy strikes out,
yet the crowd has forgiven him for his height and handsome, he is harmless.
Caesar has given him the thumbs up,
the boy in black.
I strut about like a pirate.
Here's how, hunching my shoulders and grimacing at those who stand in my way. The fearsome scowl, nose wrinkled, as if ya'll are smelly.
Who am I kidding? A big softie inside, a little softer, and boom! Apparently I soothed your soul. How?
Forsooth! A simian saunter signifies serenity, so . . .
Saltigrade strides, salacious smile,
best four words I've ever nailed together.
Nice bum, where ya from? A close second.
To all of you: I think once we're within talking distance I'll feel better.
07 December 2011
to impress an empress
Went to the Royal Armouries yesterday, one of their exhibits was titled Weaponry as Art. I thought this was really pretty; the sport hunting weapons and accessories "of Elizabeth Petrovna, Empress of Russia".
Hence the expression, stirrups fit for a queen! Err, or something like that.
Yeesh, try and make up an expression ONCE and everybody notices. No fair.
30 November 2011
29 November 2011
Profile of David Eagleman
"Although Eagleman and his students study timing in the brain, their own sense of time tends to be somewhat unreliable. Eagleman wears a Russian wristwatch to work every morning, though it’s been broken for months. “The other day, I was in the lab,” he told me, “and I said to Daisy, who sits in the corner, ‘Hey, what time is it?’ And she said, ‘I don’t know. My watch is broken.’ It turns out that we’re all wearing broken watches.” Scientists are often drawn to things that bedevil them, he said. “I know one lab that studies nicotine receptors and all the scientists are smokers, and another lab that studies impulse control and they’re all overweight.” But Eagleman’s ambivalence goes deeper. Clocks offer at best a convenient fiction, he says. They imply that time ticks steadily, predictably forward, when our experience shows that it often does the opposite: it stretches and compresses, skips a beat and doubles back."
Read more
28 November 2011
experiment on the medicalization of deviance
Suppose two teenagers fall in love, and thus begin making bad (irrational) decisions. For brevity's sake, we'll say they were "in love". Now, as scientists have shown 'love' to be merely a variation in normally functioning brain chemicals (oxytocin, dopamine, norepinephrine, etc), what would be the distinction between treating love as a deviant behavior, and others (eg depression, adhd, obesity, etc.)? If treated, the boy will do better in school, life, etc. How is the distinction to be made?
27 November 2011
"Worst Reply"
I find everyone bipolar to different degrees. I've never met a person who isn't different happy than sad. It's going to be another few decades before people pick up on the concept of variable thought as opposed to binary. People need to pick one of two sides, they can't handle the thought that every attribute is a degree.
His response was a look so contemptuous it was all I saw for the next several hours.
His response was a look so contemptuous it was all I saw for the next several hours.
26 November 2011
Mitt Romney to Remain Completely Still Until Primary
"Simply put, after the last debate, it became clear to me that all the other candidates were self-destructive. If left to their own devices, they’ll ruin their own chances at the nomination. I have arrived at the conclusion that the only way for me to not win the nomination is to do something incredibly stupid. To minimize the chances of that happening, I have decided to remain completely motionless until the week of the Republican primary."
Another US Presidential candidate out of touch with and disillusioned by reality. Shocking. |
in a bubble
Can you drown a fish?
Something or someone inside me woke up and I was suddenly running though I didn't know why or where.
What felt like people chasing me quickly melted into the familiarity of a race, though I couldn't recall a beginning and I didn't know where the end was. I would have stopped and asked myself, "What am I doing?", though I couldn't because I was nervous it was all real and if I did I would LOSE and they would WIN.
The maddening pace of others around me picked up, while my dream legs grew weary and cumbersome. As the others accelerated I fell behind, until they were a pinpoint in the distance that I lost sight of over the next curve. Sweat broke out over my forehead, every drop pricking my eyes with salty defeat. Reverse tears, as if this were a thing to cry about.
The forest ended sometime between two heart beats, the picturesque woodlands simply dissolving before my eyes into a sanctuary I knew all too well. A vast panorama of an estuary with boats cruising up and down it, the only visible part of them from this colossal distance being their white sails, permanently puffed out to full capacity by the strong wind.
Aware of the uphill to my left, and craving the status of being alone, I turned right. If it takes me or breaks me, I hope it makes me, well, better. Such is the thought process. I blink twice and I'm driving the Honda CR-V, heading west towards the setting sun. Less alone knowing I'm not the only one, more done though because my heart feels a heavy ton. Don't worry though, Mum, 'cause home here I come.
So I kept on going.
And going.
25 November 2011
too many people?
By 2100, I expect that all international disputes are going to be decided by sword-duel between the respective leaders.
War is so tedious, and this way would be so much simpler.
War is so tedious, and this way would be so much simpler.
24 November 2011
23 November 2011
22 November 2011
Make Love Not War
Have you been keeping up with the news? I find the American propaganda machine disgusting. It's why I've rescinded my Political Science major. Only evil and the despicably wicked think they should manipulate people into what they want.
Let be, be.
Let be, be.
through mine eyes
As a people, the modern age fascinated and perplexed them. They yearned for a simpler time, when the Sun was still just the son of the Moon, and she was still the goddess that came down and spoke to them through their dreams. The Rocks and Trees they lived amongst had changed and were no more, or perhaps the spirits that inhabited these hollow vessels had since moved on.
In any case, once swelling with promise and glimmering with life, now the world seemed grey and sullen, like a pot of tea leaves already used one too many times.
And so, they decided to leave.
In any case, once swelling with promise and glimmering with life, now the world seemed grey and sullen, like a pot of tea leaves already used one too many times.
And so, they decided to leave.
"Black girl, black girl, don't lie to me
Where did you stay last night?
I stayed in the pines where the sun don't never shines
And shivered when the cold wind blows"
Where did you stay last night?
I stayed in the pines where the sun don't never shines
And shivered when the cold wind blows"
21 November 2011
Lost in a Crowd
Deindividuation: The loosening of normal constraints on behavior when people can't be identified (such as when they are in a crowd), leading to an increase in impulsive and deviant acts.
Many Afghans Shrug at 'This Event Foreigners Call 9/11'
"Never heard of it," he shrugged as he lined up for water at the camp's well, which serves thousands of fellow refugees. "I have no idea why the Americans are in my country."
In a nearby tent that is the camp's school, his teacher, 22-year-old Mullah Said Nabi Agha, didn't fare much better. He said he has never seen the iconic image of the Twin Towers burning. He was vaguely aware that some kind of explosion had occurred in America."I was a child when it happened, and now I am an adult, and the Americans are still here," Mr. Agha said. "I think the Americans did it themselves, so they could invade Afghanistan."
In a nearby tent that is the camp's school, his teacher, 22-year-old Mullah Said Nabi Agha, didn't fare much better. He said he has never seen the iconic image of the Twin Towers burning. He was vaguely aware that some kind of explosion had occurred in America."I was a child when it happened, and now I am an adult, and the Americans are still here," Mr. Agha said. "I think the Americans did it themselves, so they could invade Afghanistan."
20 November 2011
79-year-old Florida man Richard Smith went to the hospital complaining about breathing troubles and stomach pains
After his nurse accidentally injected him with Pancuronium
—a drug that's given to death row inmates during the execution process—
Smith's health troubles were gone. But so was he
13 November 2011
By Way of Beauty: Louis CK, Technology, and Philosophy
By Way of Beauty: Louis CK, Technology, and Philosophy: It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. - Albert Einstein Comedian Louis CK can be extremely p...
12 November 2011
08 November 2011
In retrospect it's both scary and quite quite funny, but as a child I assumed that by the age of 20 I'd have everything figured out.
07 November 2011
you're quite smart too though
it's feels like that a lot.
but then you pull through in the end because you are actually a smart boy.
as long as you never give up you'll be golden.
Sometimes I don't know though. The struggle just seems so hard . . .
but eh, there's always pleasure in work,
and its healthy to just bury oneself in it every once in a while.
04 November 2011
03 November 2011
haikus and garbage
Origami crane,
Angular perfection sits
Atop another.
Angular perfection sits
Atop another.
Just a distraction,
or more? Must every answer
involve a question?
Wild-eyed mathematics majors merely manifest my own doubts.
My mishap is simply that; a mistake.
Murmuring, hopefully not of the heart.
That wouldn't be romantic,
And you'd probably have to go to the hospital.
26 October 2011
It's not normal for giant conglomerates of atoms to exhibit consciousness. What the hell is going on?
There are some oddities in the perspective with which we see the world. The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be. - Douglas Adams
There are some oddities in the perspective with which we see the world. The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be. - Douglas Adams
25 October 2011
You’d get a phone call at 3 a.m., and he used to call me “Colonel Depp,” because he made me a Kentucky colonel, and he’d say, “Colonel, what do you know of black-hairy-tongue disease?” And I was like, “What? I don’t know!” He’d say, “Well, I’m going to send you all the information about this, man. We must be aware of this thing.” He was deeply concerned that the disease would infiltrate our ranks.
The Hunter from 1959 and 1960 was this long, lean, athletic, handsome man, who used to type The Great Gatsby over and over to see what it felt like to write a masterpiece. He was a kid searching for his voice and looking for the outlet for that rage, anger, and passion.
Great Article
![]() | ||
Left: Johnny Depp as Paul Kemp in "The Rum Diary." Right: Hunter S. Thompson in Bug Sur circa 1960., Peter Mountain / Courtesy of Filmdistrict and GK Films (left); Courtesy of Ammo Books |
Great Article
23 October 2011
19 October 2011
trick or treat
I walked my line with them, too. This man was hurting, yet his problem wasn’t mine to solve. In fact, I needed to get out of his way so he could solve it.
Instead, a shroud of calm enveloped me, and I repeated those words: “I don’t buy it.”
You see, I’d recently committed to a non-negotiable understanding with myself. I’d committed to “The End of Suffering.” I’d finally managed to exile the voices in my head that told me my personal happiness was only as good as my outward success, rooted in things that were often outside my control. I’d seen the insanity of that equation and decided to take responsibility for my own happiness. And I mean all of it.
You see, I’d recently committed to a non-negotiable understanding with myself. I’d committed to “The End of Suffering.” I’d finally managed to exile the voices in my head that told me my personal happiness was only as good as my outward success, rooted in things that were often outside my control. I’d seen the insanity of that equation and decided to take responsibility for my own happiness. And I mean all of it.
18 October 2011
Common Knowledge
1. Although I personally do not believe in God, I find atheists to be as annoying as bible-nuts. Keep your personal beliefs or lackthereof to yourself.
2. You've been friendzoned because [they] construe your excessive emotionality and wants as feminine and needy. Love is about losing oneself in another person's ability to provide.
3. Most people are emotional and neurotic enough without having to deal with your emotional bullshit.
4. Emo and self-pity is narcissim disguised through depth. Don't, or people will resent your woe-is-me bullshit.
5. Contrary to popular belief, depression is not a painful experience. Depression is a numbing strategy to hide the consequences of anger. An emotionally healthy person can allow themself to feel true anger without reacting to it. When you numb yourself off from this anger, you also numb yourself from the happiness and joy in your life and become depressed.
6. Cigarettes stunt emotional growth by creating an easy anti-anxiety mechanism without actually solving the root of your anxiety.
7. Pop culture is not amazing. Popular culture is oppressive and stifling and is about conforming to what other people expect out of you. Find what you want and pursue it to the end of the earth.
Source, although I don't agree with all of it.
2. You've been friendzoned because [they] construe your excessive emotionality and wants as feminine and needy. Love is about losing oneself in another person's ability to provide.
3. Most people are emotional and neurotic enough without having to deal with your emotional bullshit.
4. Emo and self-pity is narcissim disguised through depth. Don't, or people will resent your woe-is-me bullshit.
5. Contrary to popular belief, depression is not a painful experience. Depression is a numbing strategy to hide the consequences of anger. An emotionally healthy person can allow themself to feel true anger without reacting to it. When you numb yourself off from this anger, you also numb yourself from the happiness and joy in your life and become depressed.
6. Cigarettes stunt emotional growth by creating an easy anti-anxiety mechanism without actually solving the root of your anxiety.
7. Pop culture is not amazing. Popular culture is oppressive and stifling and is about conforming to what other people expect out of you. Find what you want and pursue it to the end of the earth.
Source, although I don't agree with all of it.
"E-prime denotes a subgroup of the English language without the word "is". This can prevent a host of fallacies by forcing us to include the instrument of perception into our sentences."
Edward Norton is a good actor. - Edward Norton seems to be a good actor based on his roles in Fight Club, The Illusionist, and American History: X.
The car is blue. - Based on my perceptions of color, the car appears to be blue.
14 October 2011
B Side
"And once physicists got down to the serious business of building bombs, we were apparently returned to a universe of objects—and to a style of discourse, across all branches of science and philosophy, that made the mind seem ripe for reduction to the 'physical' world."
Absolutely nothing about a brain, when surveyed as a physical system, suggests that it is a locus of experience.
Sam Harris
Absolutely nothing about a brain, when surveyed as a physical system, suggests that it is a locus of experience.
Consciousness—the sheer fact that this universe is illuminated by sentience—is precisely what unconsciousness is not. And I believe that no description of unconscious complexity will fully account for it. It seems to me that just as “something” and “nothing,” however juxtaposed, can do no explanatory work, an analysis of purely physical processes will never yield a picture of consciousness. However, this is not to say that some other thesis about consciousness must be true. Consciousness may very well be the lawful product of unconscious information processing. But I don’t know what that sentence means—and I don’t think anyone else does either.
Sam Harris
24 September 2011
the lone hippie confronting a mafia car salesman
"We'll consider it."
"What the hell you mean you'll consider it? I been busting my balls here for half an hour showing you every detail of this perfect car and you tell me you'll consider it! Look at this trunk, you could fit at least like," he nervously made eye contact with a nearby security guard. "Listen, consider this; I'm offering you a car at the prices that you're practically stealing it and you're ready to walk away from this deal."
"Hey man, I told you I'll consider it. Let it slide, man, and I tell you I don't mind."
"What, is that supposed to be inspired from like Phish or something -"
"It's from my brain, man."
"Look, buddy, here's a surprise. I don't care much for where its from. You people are always the same, it's always me, me, me, me. You prick, all you do is sit around on your ass and don't make any effort for others."
"You better watch your mouth, man. You really shouldn't be talking to your customers this way. I'm kinda offended and I might have to talk to your supervisor."
"Ah for chrissakes!" Aside to another customer, "catch a load of this drama queen. 'Man, I'm all offended. Man, he doesn't like me'. Hey buddy, you're offended, I don't give a shit because I don't like you either. That's life. Get over it."
"What the hell you mean you'll consider it? I been busting my balls here for half an hour showing you every detail of this perfect car and you tell me you'll consider it! Look at this trunk, you could fit at least like," he nervously made eye contact with a nearby security guard. "Listen, consider this; I'm offering you a car at the prices that you're practically stealing it and you're ready to walk away from this deal."
"Hey man, I told you I'll consider it. Let it slide, man, and I tell you I don't mind."
"What, is that supposed to be inspired from like Phish or something -"
"It's from my brain, man."
"Look, buddy, here's a surprise. I don't care much for where its from. You people are always the same, it's always me, me, me, me. You prick, all you do is sit around on your ass and don't make any effort for others."
"You better watch your mouth, man. You really shouldn't be talking to your customers this way. I'm kinda offended and I might have to talk to your supervisor."
22 September 2011
Take my legs, take my arms, take my hair, take my teeth, take my eyes, but goddamn you don't touch my mind or soul.
Question a closeted chicken? Answer is egg.
All through high school, he'd been one of those beefy football players. He was one of the macho types that slammed his buddies into the wall for the laughs between classes. This uneasy status quo endured, until his group of low beat, flat brimmed, alphas unanimously turned their backs on him, demoting him to a beta.
His doe brown eyes still brimmed with all the hints of hurt; the kind of fear that exists beyond the conscious periphery. The terrifying knowledge that one day, everyone could reject him all over again.
The past lives on in all of us. In him it existed in his upright aloofness, a defensive wall intended to dissuade people from the idea of being anything deeper than mere acquaintances. Coupled with his self-centered ego, he had a paranoid tendency towards depression, because he constantly assumed the worst out of everyone.
The bizarre paradox this posed overwhelmed his mind. Had the four year old rejection been caused, or was it the cause of, this anxious uneasiness? His transformation was incomplete without the realization that all people are faced with the same doubts and insecurities everyday.
The worst of them mask their fears with aggressive enthusiasm. The kind of silver lining that betrays the dark cloud hidden behind it. In all honesty, there are no easy answers to life. There are just more questions.
In short, he was still the person he had been four years ago, albeit now with shoulder length dreadlocks and a new found passion for spray paint.
They all liked him immensely.
12 September 2011
Land of Eng
Single cannette cheap beers abound. Two are consumed while waiting for three hours in a bus terminal. They sell strongbow beers. Never buy strongbow beer. They are bad. Folger's remains a solid #1.
It is windy. My breath is nearly crushed by the force of it. I even almost fall over once or twice, after walking back from buying groceries for the week.
The cars are on the wrong side of the road, like a real-life version of mirror mode. I must stop checking right instead of left, because I nearly get hit every street crossing
Even the birds fly funny.
It is windy. My breath is nearly crushed by the force of it. I even almost fall over once or twice, after walking back from buying groceries for the week.
The cars are on the wrong side of the road, like a real-life version of mirror mode. I must stop checking right instead of left, because I nearly get hit every street crossing
Even the birds fly funny.
![]() | |
Some Englishmen |
10 September 2011
Freud called it the Human Centipede of the Creative Professional
expression turns into passion
passion turns into talent
talent turns into work
and then work is confused for true expression
You are an insane person and you are ruining my life
You're drunk.
You are an insane person and you are ruining my life
You're drunk.
Phillip leans in close:
No, you are drunk. 08 September 2011
We also sell snakes (do not buy the snakes)
"We need a fresh start," said the President. Lots of people agreed. "We need an email service ... for teens."
"Teens that like to fish," said his Chief of Staff. Three mans (?) agreed.
This is the bright new tomorrow of electric communication. No more confusing wires and moldy knobs. Throw your old computer away because it no longer applies to this fast, brutal world of email efficiency and fish indexing. Electric metal sheets with shock you and thrill you with information. Shocks and thrills and literal shocks will update teens with "up-to-the-minute" social news on fishing, teens, fish, teening, good fish, CoolFish II, Bikes (TRIAL VERSION), dogs, and teens. And Teens. There is a version for blind teens, but it is Extremely Heavy.
"I Was A Faggot For Ever Using Normal Email"
- Popular Teen Slogan In The Future
Teens will flock to the experience because they love to chat, they love to game, they love social apps like BlackMeetII (Meet Blacks ... Online! II) and they have a insatiable longing to fish and document fish. There is a good interface and it helps you "get things done". Lots of people use the Fish Email Experience for Teens! Even adults are getting into it. "Whoa grandma, we'll need to put a road bumb (?) on your information superhighway."
Everyone Is Getting Rid Of Old Email Because They See How Stupid They Look For Using It When Teen Fish Email Experience For Teens Is Released (Now).
"Mmh! Ah," said the boy, alert. "I'm ready to go the fishing."
"I'm ready to go the the the the the the the the the fishing," he explained, adding "I'm ready to go the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the fishing."
I don't know who you are, but thanks for writing this.
PS:Your style is Kurt Vonnegut.
PPS: On acid.
04 September 2011
a one-eyed sherriff hunts down a bank robbing chimpanzee
Variety is the rule. The end results are the law.
You see in this world there's two kinds of people my friend - those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
If I could wake up in a different place, at a different time, could I wake up as a different person?
They thank me. Sometimes they cry.
I am the final period on so many significant chapters. To most other people it is just part of the job but in so many other universes this is where I ended up. There is no difference between myself and these people other than the intangible twists of experience.
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