15 April 2012


My thoughts:

A giant spider that lives in the ground. He leaps out to snatch you to his lair and then devour you there.

A precursor to Shelob?

This reminds me of a conversation I had with my Mum recently. We had just finished watching the Lord of the Rings (albeit for her bridled attention span I had  shortened the movie to the essentials), and she said,
"This is the problem I had with any book to movie transformation. It can't capture the vividness and emotionality I can experience from reading the book"

Its true, in terms of expressive fluidity, no technology can come even come close to the imagination's potential for complete immersion. There's this point in that transition from partial to total enthralment , where the story stops being yours.

As they say, too much of a good thing is a bad thing.

Note that although his sword is half drawn, the spider's net is already fast closing; though armed, the swordsman is doomed. 

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