29 August 2011

spare the cat, spoil the sushi

I start.

One is smiling and sadogue, 
the other sabelline and sadistic,
though both of us move with saltigrade strides.
I succeed upon your sanctuary, and, 
though immediately addressed by your fearsome sangfroid and most savage scowl, 
I signal my simple simian self with


Though one orey-eyed glance at me, my movement musters a meow;
an end to the ominous overtones emanating obstreperously out of your oracular organs.

Felix, I forget. Are you fat or just fluffy?
Fabaceously formed,
I follow your feline figure with my fingers.

Placid as a pond,
though perhaps because ponderous,
you appear pacified by petting.
My presumption is proven by your paralalia:
a purr.

For this, your prize will be a poisson.

Surreptitiously, I surrender this sushi.
I am sorry for such slander,
though certainly this saginate
serves only to swell your stature,
a stuff of which you are not in small supply.
Us joined by my adjudication, 
my job is now adjourned.
I abjure from such jabberwock,
so as to be judged a juggins,
a jocko at your whim and merry,
So it is that we part as enemies.


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