29 April 2011

crowned king

Seeing is believing. At least, that's what they told me.

I know what you did. I know why you did it. Shame? Don't even start me. You didn't have the decency to give a call back. Scumbag.

The grass is always greener, but I've been through that door. I've been in the forest, just looking around and you don't want to know the things I've seen. Grandma's house is gone, kiddo. There's a new sheriff in town. The big bad wolf came. He left but with a be-back-later, and he's headed to your house next.

Grab your gun. Grab your wifey. Grab a towel. By then you won't have time to grab anything else. Go out the door, lock it, and then run.

Also check your watch. Often. If it's not working, give it a tap. If its working too well, and the needle is swinging around and around, and the numbers are gone, then you are probably asleep. Why are you asleep*?

If I were you I'd be long gone out of this town. We don't want you. Now leave.

*If you find yourself unable to wake up, you could be dead. If you are here, you definitely are.



By now you must be several miles away. For the record, if that even matters anymore, I don't know you. Strange, although unsurprising, that you, in this lost land, would be unable to find a helping hand.

Even a smiling face would mean so much right now. No, apparently those can't be trusted either. In never knew smiles were that loaded. Usually I smile when I'm happy. Sometimes, when I'm trying to hide a painful emotion or valuable thing from a person I don't like.

That's what sucks about being cut off from the ones who love you. In this shitty future, its only a matter of time.

At this point, if you're in doubt, don't panic. Republicans, who for the most part are old people in Florida, say that seniors are very important to America. As a legitimate political party with a chance of landing a candidate in the next bout of presidential charade, they seem to be doing well for themselves, so you should probably find an aged person to help you. Merlin. Dumbledore. Professor Oak. Obi-Wan Kenobi. Even a Deku Tree would work.

FACT: this dog would eat three times more than an average dog
Donald Trump doesn't seem to be busy, maybe ask him. That's a triple bonus, because Trump is old, rich, and a Republican presidential candidate.

So your story needs age to ripen it. Like fruit.

Once you fall off the tree, its only a matter of time until you rot from the inside out. Unfit for a dog, so they say. And that's saying a lot. To their credit, dogs will eat just about anything.


06 April 2011

the true life dreams awake

Pinch me, I must be dreaming


We were all at the beach. You all were sitting on the sand, while I was knee-deep in water when it occurred to me that this picturesque day was far too perfect. I needed to know if it were real, or all a dream. My test; if I could make the sky change. I stared at my feet and then closed my eyes. One breath in, held in, one breath out, held out, one more in, then I set my eyes to the skies. From the center of my vision, to the outer extreme of my peripherals, I saw clouds hurtling by in a vast whirlpool far above my head. The colors seemed off, as if the light were filtered through a vast kaleidoscopic array of green, yellow, and blue. Strangely, I remember only these parts of my dream. I don't remember much else after the initial realization.

Thanatos (Death) asleep with Hypnos (Sleep)
This was my first lucid dream, which is defined as a dream where the person consciously realizes they are dreaming. This was something I had been working at for sometime. Although by no means diligent, I had been keeping a journal of my dreams for a while. Certain environmental cues point to the conclusion of a dream. Looking at any sort of a clock is good indicator; as time does not pass in a 'normal' fashion, the dial on a regular clock will spin aimlessly, or not move at all. The numbers on the clock's face might not be present, or they could be replaced by completely meaningless symbols. Looking at a phone or texting in a dream has a similar effect, as the usual array of numbers and letters will give way to obscure symbols you may have never seen before.

If you want to get more in touch with this part of your mind, start recording your dreams. Don't focus on coherence or having it make any sense, instead try and remember detail. Lastly, think of what sorts of things hold special meaning to you, and notice when they occur in dreams. Our mind is very interpretive and flexible in its use of symbolism, so if you get stuck visit a dream dictionary for some references as to what some of these details. Always remember that this symbolism is deeply personal. If something doesn't make sense to you, then chances are you're over thinking this detail.


05 April 2011

colorless green ideas sleep furiously

Zoomorphism is the shaping of something or someone in animal form or terms.

Quetzalcoatl as a feathered serpent
Ancient American cultures venerated a god named Quetzalcoatl. Records from the era indicate such a man may have existed, and may even have been the founder of the Toltec empire. Depending if/when Quetzalcoatl lived, a prophecy predicting his return and the end of the Aztec empire corresponds(ish) to the arrival of Herman Cortez. Spanish accounts paint the Aztecs as a bloodthirsty culture. This is also contextualized by the broader claim that when the Aztec empire overthrew the Toltec empire, they did so with a complete rejection of peace and existed as a war-state.

With this broader contextual understanding, the following quote, from a noble Aztec man to his son, does not seem to fit.

"Take great pains to make yourselves friends of God who is in all parts, and is invisible and impalpable, and it is meet that you give Him all your heart and body, and look that you be not proud in your heart, nor yet despair, nor be cowardly of spirit; but that you be humble in your heart and have hope in God. Be at peace with all, shame yourselves before none and to none be disrespectful; respect all, esteem all, defy no one, for no reason affront any person."

Sun Stone

This is the primary reason I dropped my History of Mexico class. I was saddened to see the same demonized depiction of indigenous culture. By portraying the conquered as ignorant and bloodthirsty savages, history seeks to revise one of the most unrecognized injustices committed by people. Okay, maybe the Aztecs did go a little excessive* in the scope of their bloodletting, but if compared to events on the Eastern side of the Atlantic, the extent of Aztec savagery seems, well, a little more civilized.

*Note: since then, the proliferation of modern warfare makes even the craziest of these estimates seem like a joke.