09 March 2011


Normative vs. counter culture... First, either 'side' has enough of an appeal that going from one side to the other is really just playing their game.

Secondly, is that black and white view of the world really the way life is? No! The world is too diverse, too intrinsically fascinating, and too bizarre to categorize.

What I mean to say is that by being non-conformist... aren't you really just conforming to or with something else? I don't think you can win by being like this.

In essence, everyone's point is valid because truths are subjective to the person and to the context, not universally applicable. I recognize this is a contradiction, in and of itself, because for this statement to be true, it also needs to be false. 

H - I don't know where this picture is from, but I find it ridiculously... well ridiculous. Child-devouring monstrosities prowling the streets. I'd revel in the insanity.

I'll make sure to write you one of these days. I know its been awhile.

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